Adressing important water challenges
Unity4Water can provide valuable insights and strategic expertise in sustainable resource use across multiple disciplines. The RE:Source innovation program works broadly across different industries, which opens up many interesting opportunities for integrating Unity4Water into their program as well.
– Although RE:Source does not focus directly on water issues, Unity4Water can contribute with strategies for reducing resource consumption that are already the focus of RE:Source’s work, says Cecilia Tall, Program Manager at RE:Source.
A significant opportunity of inviting Unity4Water within RE:Source is to address the major challenge of reducing resource consumption through circular economy and reducing CO2 emissions. This is critical to reduce the impact on climate, including temperature, water availability and biodiversity. Different industries will be affected in different ways by these environmental changes, and here Unity4Water can play a crucial role by highlighting the importance of sustainable water use.
– To increase awareness and commitment to sustainable water management among companies and organizations within the RE:Source network, Unity4Water can contribute with its expertise and focus on water issues, which we think is an important focus, says Cecilia Tall and continues:
– Unity4Water can contribute with its expertise and focus on water issues, which we think is an important focus. It can increase awareness and commitment to sustainable water management among companies and organizations in the RE:Source network.
Future developments may include a stronger focus on water issues in the new Impact Innovation program Water Wise Societies led by RISE – Research Institute of Sweden – allowing the innovation programs to complement each other by sharing insights and disseminating materials. This collaboration can help maximize the potential for sustainable water management and resource efficiency across sectors.
If you want to know more about the RE:Source innovation program, read more here.